Saving often seems hard at the beginning because it requires discipline and patience. Most people think they don't have enough money to save but you can start saving with just R5! The most important thing is to have a goal and plan for how to get there.
Determine if it is a short-, medium- or long-term goal.
What's your savings goal?
Determine how much you need to save monthly to achieve your goal.
Adjust your budget to reduce unnecessary expenses.
Add your savings amount to your budget.
Ensure your money is transferred to a separate savings account.
Also remember
Determine how much you need to save monthly to achieve your goal.
For these accounts you must give your bank notice when you want to withdraw your money.
These accounts are for short-term investments of less than 12 months.
A group of people who come together to save on a regular basis. This can be formal or informal.
A Unit Trust is a saving and investment
product where a group of individual investors put their money together for the purpose of investing.
A regular investment where you pay via debit order and you receive a single payout at an agreed time e.g.: five or ten years.
With a tax-free savings account you can save up to R33 000 per year.
Retirement savings: these are long-term savings options that provide a pension which is paid out monthly or as a lump sum when you retire.
Pension fund: a long-term saving that provides you with a pension when you retire.
Provident fund: a long-term savings that provides a lump-sum payment to you on retirement.
Retirement annuity: A long-term investment where you save regularly to give you an income when you retire.
Property investments: this is a long-term investment in a property that is rented to a tenant or an investment in a property fund which invests in publicly-listed real estate companies.